June 13, 2010

Today's meditational guide: All we need to change the world is us

The purpose of today's guide is more then to provide thoughts to help us focus positively on areas of our life as we move through the day. These particular quotes were chosen because I think they explain so clearly and beautifully the tremendous effect that we as individuals have on the world. So I believe they can also serve as motivation for us to seriously begin to focus positively on ourselves, our lives and the world around us.

The following are all quotes and teachings of Osho:

"All that this world needs is a good cleansing of the heart of all the inhibitions of the past. And laughter and tears can do both. Tears will take out all the agony that is hidden inside you and laughter will take all that is preventing your ecstasy. Once you have learned the art you will be immensely surprised.

My teaching is meditation. Meditation means to me, witnessing on three levels: action of the body, thoughts of the mind, feelings of the heart. Once a person becomes aware of these three things, the fourth step happens on its own accord. A quantum leap, suddenly he is at his very center, which is his life, deathless life. You can call it his soul, his being, and it is the greatest bliss in existence. There is nothing above it.

Witnessing can be called the seed and enlightenment can be called the flowers. But begin from witnessing, and then it starts growing. Go on nourishing it, go on caring for it, go on watering it, strengthen it in every possible way -- and one day it is going to blossom. That day will be the greatest day of your life.

Bliss is the Everest. There is nothing higher than that. And unless you reach the Everest of bliss you have not fulfilled your mission in life, your destiny in life...Bliss is a strange wine - strange because on one hand it makes you fully aware, and on other hand, it makes you fully intoxicated - intoxicated with the divine, fully aware in your being.... Blissfulness is our birthright. We just have to claim it. And meditation is our claim.

It is a great opportunity that is knocking on your doors. Humanity as a whole has come to a certain point of growth from which a quantum leap is possible."

The world has always been ready for this incredible positive change, it's simply waiting for us. Are you ready?

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Peace, Light and Take Care!

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